Download Boomerang - MultiPurpose Bootstrap Template


Boomerang - MultiPurpose Template is a complete solution for any idea. It comes with a large variety of helpful features and page layouts for business, agencies, creatives, shops, real estate, model agencies, magazines and newspapers, school
Boomerang is built with LESS, which means less time for customization. In less than 5 minutes you can have a totally different website. Check out our pre-defined styles from the style builder. Even you are a web developer or not, you will love how easy is to make your own website. Boomerang 2 comes with a complete shop layout and it includes all the necessary page layouts so you can start the work.
Choose Boomerang! One template. Infinite solutions.

Boomerang v2.0.1 (current version)

  1. Template documentation v1.0 included

Boomerang v2.0

  1. Bootstrap updated to 3.3.0
  2. CSS/LESS structure optimized for speed
  3. New page colors and skins: Check out our style builder to see a small part of what you can do with Boomerang
  4. New navigation menus very easy to customize
  5. Mega navigation style included
  6. New sliders: full screen, auto height to fit menu, multiple text styles
  7. Plenty of new shortcodes included
  8. New content blocks for a more stylish content
  9. Testimonials
  10. New typography styles
  11. New hover animations
  12. Animated counters
  13. Modified shop template
  14. Newsletter templates included for business and e-commerce
  15. Modified blog section
  16. Video player implemented with Video JS
  17. New shop page templates
  18. Sky forms included. Bootstrap forms still there + multiple styles: light, dark, base
  19. Multiple colors for various elements. You can use base, base-alt, light or dark to change element backgrounds
  20. Much more will be found in the documentation.
Over 85 page templates you will find within this template. Some of them are:
  1. Two versions of business template
  2. Homepage with cover slider
  3. Normal and fashion store page template
  4. Agency homepage
  5. Real estate homepage, listings and property description template
  6. Job portal homepage, listings and job description template
  7. Models homepage
  8. Magazine homepage, listings and article template
  9. Newspaper homepage, listings and article template
  10. School homepage
  11. Medical homepage
  12. New portfolio templates

Boomerang v1.1.2

  1. Bootstrap updated to 3.1.1
  2. Easy to define new colors and properties with LESS
  3. Full documentation included in the package
  4. Features presentation
  5. Layer slider ($10)
  6. More navbar (main menu) styles
  7. Third level navigation
  8. Optional fixed navbar (Sticky navbar)
  9. More optional hover animations
  10. Two types of search: navbar and slide-bar
  11. +50 pre-built page layouts
  12. More portfolio and project galleries layouts
  13. BUG FIX: Internet Explorer bug fixes
  14. IMPROVEMENT: Carousel arrows re-positioned
  15. IMPROVEMENT: Style switcher

Boomerang v1.1

  1. 40+ Pages models
  2. New colors available
  3. Enhanced shopping experience
  4. Optional sidebar menu
  5. Optional top header style
  6. Cool hover animations
  7. Three content sliders available: Fraction, SequenceJS and Bootstrap Carousel
  8. Multiple patterns and backgrounds
  9. Complete features for any idea
  10. Responsive shortcodes
  11. Stylesheets are built with LESS. Old CSS files are deprecated
  12. Cool buttons and forms

Boomerang v1.0

  1. Initial release


  1. 40+ Different pages layout
  2. 6 colors available
  3. Stylesheets are built with LESS
  4. Responsive header and navigation
  5. Content sliders
  6. Call to action boxes
  7. Multiple features
  8. +300 Icons
  9. +600 Fonts available from Google Web Fonts
  10. Different types of content boxes
  11. Large content areas
  12. Image carousels
  13. Item carousel with hover effect
  14. Section with different backgrounds
  15. Clean footer with multiple features
  16. Media gallery
  17. Sign-in/Sign-up form
  18. Pricing & Table plans
  19. Timeline
  20. Work portfolio
  21. Different layouts for blog section
  22. Masonry display available
  23. Listings
  24. Shop
  25. Customizable Google map
  26. And much more to come


  1. Bootstrap:
  2. jQuery:
  3. Icons:
  4. Fonts:
  5. Images: All images are shown with demonstration purpose only. Credits included in the documentation

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